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  • Weekly Infographic: SEO Competitor Analysis – The Complete Framework to Analyze Your Competition!

    While creating an SEO and keyword strategy, it is essential to do a comprehensive analysis of keywords, to be aware of the latest keyword research trends. Once you have done competitor analysis, you need to position yourself among them and develop your SEO and keyword strategy. While performing keyword research, add the top of mind keywords. Then, add Seed Keywords to the Keyword Explorer to generate new ideas. Choose the top keywords based on search volume and relevancy. Identify who your competitors are. Add those competitors who are targeting those keywords which you are focusing on. Use keywords from past research to track competitors who rank for top positions. Utilize the Site Explorer to find competitors for top ranking keywords and include them in your research. Choose the top 3-5 competitors based on rankings and frequency. This Cognitive SEO infographic SEO shares some tips regarding how you should perform SEO competitor analysis.

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