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  • Weekly Infographic: On Page SEO Checklist: Blogging for People and Search Engines

    If you are a writer, you are likely to the significance of an eye-catching title. It is essential for attracting a user’s attention and enhancing a page’s CTR. In case users don’t like your title on SERP, they won’t click on it to read your article. From the SEO perspective, it is a wise decision to insert the keyword in the title if it is short and has high volume. Make sure that the title has a length of 50-60 characters. Utilize your brand name, numbers, how, what, and why. Provide relevant information and create a sense of urgency among users.

    Include keywords in the URL with separate hyphens and ensure that the page name has a length of 3-5 words. The meta description should have a length of 150-160 characters. Use a single H1 tag on the page and include social sharing buttons. This SEMrush shares a comprehensive SEO checklist that you can utilize for blogging.

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