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  • Weekly Infographic: Google Analytics Basics: A Guide For Beginners

    Google Analytics is a free tool which is often used to track and record the performance of websites through the use of a GA code. Because of its usefulness, Google Analytics is used by nearly 50 million websites. To use Google Analytics efficiently, you need to know how the tool works. It offers details related to audience demographics such as location, interest, browser(mobile, desktop or laptop), age, gender and buying preferences. Google Analytics also shares vital information about what pages people visit, how long do they stay on a page, which links do they click and what actions do they take.

    It also shares information regarding the source of traffic, like paid ads, email, referral sites, social media and organic search. Using the tool, you can acquire details on the most visited page of your site, the average session time of each page, the page with the highest bounce rate and effectiveness of your landing and conversion page. This Milkwhale infographic shares basics on how beginners can use Google Analytics.

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